Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 43, 17 Pepeluali 1937 — NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT LEASE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


[ XOTICE is IK-reby givou thal ;il 30 o'eloek A.,>L Friday, Feimiary 1», 1»37, at the Aupunl Stfeet j,iUu duur Uie TerriloriuL OHu-< Wuilaku, Maui, Uiertij \sl!l ho s( ld flt pūl)lk' auction to the ltltrlTesl hiflder, under the provi&;ioiis oi' Seotion 73 of tJie Hawaiian Organio At»i and oi' Ihe llt'vised Laws oi Mawaii reiathij£ to pubJit- laiidi>, a Genemi Lease of tlie fo]lowing Go- ! \euiineiit lanel^:

l'oilion of llie Jiand of Keokea, | ; Kula, Maui,.on tlie road to UĪu palak.ua, contaiuing 1457 square feet raore or iees: Term of Lease 21 years from February 19, 1937; Upset Rental, W.j.00 per annum, p;iyable annually in advanee. The lease to be sold will be' sub- _ jeet Lo all ol'.Uie terms anel .condition, containeti in Govermnent General • Leases issued by tbe Offiee ol" the Coiiiniistiioner of Publie Landv inehiding t!ie right on the pārt of the agents and representati\es 0f tlie Territory ol' Ilawaii, and of. its loeal polilieal auoUiN'iaioii!?, to enter or eiosi> said land at any lime in tlie pei'lonuauee of Uieir duties>. The above sale is subject to.tke following eoiulilion: The pu rehaser shall at the i'al oi Uie hammer , pay the first . rent, togetiier wiUi ail eosts ,of advertisinH and otlier chajj?es required by law. For i'urther informatioii, apply at tiie Oll'iee oi' tlie Sub-Land Agent, Mr. Frauk F< Caires, Territoria Oil'ieeJjuilding, Wailuku, Maui, or at llie Offiee ol' the Commissioner ol' i'uhlie L»nds, Terrltorial Olīlee Building, llonolulu, Oaliu, wīiere map oi' the land to ue leased and form of Government General Lease are 011 |lile and may be seen. [ Done at the OfEiee of the Com-\ [ missioner oi' Public Lands, Territorial! j Oilice iiuilding-, llonolulu, Oahu, tiiis j !#th day ol lJ!eeeuiber, A. D. 1936. L. M. WHITEHOUSE Commissoner of Public Lands Dec. lō, li»2<> Jan. 5, 26, Feb. 16, 1937