Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 43, 17 Pepeluali 1937 — Seek Increase In Budget For Hawaii County [ARTICLE]
Seek Increase In Budget For Hawaii County
Twq resolutions adoped SaTarday by the county board of wil! request an increase ol' in tohe county budget frojn the fcerritorial legislature. } The first, submitted to all Big Island members of the legislature, pointed put that "whereas the sūm of $980,000 provided in and by Section 1921, Revised i*aws of Hawaii 1935, for necessary ex- ; penclitures of the County of Hawaii, is I insufficient and inadeguate in amount I provided for every increasing needs, emergencies, purposes and uses of the County of Hawaii," and asked those , members to take the necessary steps to have amendments made to increase that amount to $1,250,000. The secohd resolution, submitted tb the president of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. stated that "it has been the practice in the past legislatures of the Territorv of Hawaii. by Mandatory Aets directed the County of Hawaii, provide suffieient funds for and undertake the proseeution public improvements in and wiihin the County of Hawaii; and, whereas, in complying with and carrying out the provistons said Mandatorv Aets has burdened the County of Hawaii with exi3enditure large sums of money and cause of drain upon its resources and funds; and ! "Whereas, future Mandatory Aets
enacted bv the LoKiKlaUin» of the' Territory of Hawaii should and oughtj j provide for and make availablo suffl- j * ciont funds oarry out prosocutlon sald j I Mandutory Acts. f | ••Tiicrofore, be it resolved by tlie| j Board of Suporvisors in and for the , j County of Hawaii, that, all futuro j Mundatory Aols onaotod by iho legisi iature ol' tho Tovruory of Hawuii, di- | rocting the County of Hawaii prosej cute public jmprovoments in tnnd wlths ui tho Count> of Hawiiii pro\ ido for ' and make .sufl\oioni funds c.\rry out j pi'osecution suui \iundutory Aets." ; 1