Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 43, 17 Pepeluali 1937 — POPULAR MATRON PASSES AWAY. [ARTICLE]
r Mrs. Ayies Keolanui Brown, 3G, • pppular loeal Hawaiian matron and --rw±fe "Of' William w, .(3111) Brown, employe of Theo. H. Davies & Co..
died at the Hilo Memorial hospital at a. m. Tut>sday after giving birth to a fcon. The oaby, who waa prematureiy born, aii'ived at 1 a. m. and is roporied Lo be 111 good heailh. Mrs. Brown had been ill with kidney troublc at her home for a month bcforo. the baby's birth. 1 The body is now on view at the Haili church where it will lie in > state until Wednesday at 4 p. m. when the fiuieral wili be held. The Rev. Edward Kahale. pastor of the churc.h, will officiate. Burial will be * at the Homolani cemctery vvith the Elmore mortuary m charge. Mrs. Bro\vn was the daughter of Williani M. Keolanui of Honolulu, who at one timc served as sheriff of this island, and the late Mrs. Marv Kaili Keolanui. who died 21 | years ago last November. Besides her I fatiier. &he is sur\ived by the widowi er » Biil Brown, ahipping clerk at I Theo. h. Davies and Co., seven ehilI <?ren includmg Anuhea, the eldest j 14 i'oars old, Barbara, Britoj marte. Wiiiiam Jr„ Alired, C2odagh
| and the new born baby who is still unnamed; faur brothers, Elia. Lawrence and Norbcrt Keolanui of Honolulu and WiUiam Keolanui of j Hilo, and a sister, Mrs. Charles i PhUpelia o:\Lho HUo Sugar Co. ■ l °no Qi . Uie most talented i Hawaiian singoi's eu the Bjg xs- | lan"d, Mrs. Browii delighted manj } andiences duriiig her lifetime. She j appeared with ihe Kawaii county j band gloe cli:b 011 severai occasions. j and was pre.sidcnt and or;a--f nizer of the Hawaii Oiv.i Glee iub. j Mts. Brown was aīso an active | member of the Haili choir.for the past 18 years and was it.-: president at the time of her doith. She belonged to Uie Hawaiian Girls' .club f UiC V WOA vice presij don: rhis yei.. AII organīzations to whieh , -sac belonged will take par; m the j iuuoral services todaj- aad uiil be » ::: ehaiiio of ihe arraiiaemouts.