Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 41, 10 Pepeluali 1937 — Hawaii Leads In Tax Payments [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaii Leads In Tax Payments

Hawiiii paiil mo* e ,mom.',v int<; ,the fcd(.'f.u] treusury in iluui 18 st:ifes 3 iicco.r(ln)g to u •tr< , asur,y stateinent of tlu- iutci-nnl iwuuk r, - . . j i immiu, j ! Jst issu(.'']. _ The whei i' offū-iul report* iiHlical< j <l thnt \vat: bopnijng uutil'th<.' maritimc >-trikc ••overbaulwl.rfix. stiites • .ikmn# the ,year. -In corporation ami iiuli\i«lual ineome taxes, 'ii)i"»eeilaneoiis internal rever.ue p\v aun.it-- un ( l a£jricultural adjttstniont taxch, Jlawaii totaled $9,8r)7,10U cDr»j)areil with the ,yoar previou>. Liquor tax C3llootion» a r;cunted to an inerea*e froin thc $298,74*3 of t : H' })rovioi> ,\ear and i;retiter tiian ija.vmei:l> 'of 17 stfiteN.