Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 40, 3 February 1937 — Extortion Writer Gets Ten Years [ARTICLE]

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Extortion Writer Gets Ten Years

After b<'ingr rharaotoriziHi 88 a iow-gra<U'hioron h t v his inwji T Gcotg »R. ;Souza, a 24 year old truek tlrivēr, \vas s»'ntfm'f>! la«t week hy Jm!jjo K(]ward ]Si. "\\ atson. m the fo<lcra! oourt nt llonolulu to ton yoars* in tho ponitentiftry for havhig sont through tho maUs a lottor throatoningr Sa.vres, liowr.v avM\uo, Manoa, that hannl woukl eouio to liis ohii<lron lf !n-' not pa.v him S">,0(.:o. In£mm M, Stainhaok. l\S, diKtrict rooontruon(!o(l to tho court that S<iui'.a's son<rtu-r shouhl lw not k'ss than fivo yoars» ,1 u^ 1 William U L.vmor, \vh<» npi)Oaivd for Sou/h, tohl tho Oourt Sou/h ,was "a low mamn,'* an«< thnt iho k ttor h» »ont wa» mor< 4 «\f t\ j»>ko th;m a orimin«l tlnvat. Th« Vttor was n crudo copy of oiu- Hj*iH arit>»f tn » d«teCtlvoo lUAKU/Iho <tory, iī wu-. ihowu,

pis3K?mjcn or Stuiih \v« \T«ua XrkatH Frcc §t4tr, «rr .«i: īnv»4i»t:) of s*nls f«>s IV ~3 «&«« @1 h«rrum