Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 37, 13 January 1937 — Landon Not To Attend Inaugural [ARTICLE]

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Landon Not To Attend Inaugural

(>ov. A]frcfl M. Laiuion, dci'catc(i .prosic].t»ntial candidafe, saiil he will not accoj)t an inyitation to attend the inauguration of President Koosevolt January 2u. The inaugurat.ion eonnniUee Jieaded Benator Matlh«'\v M. Xeeley of \\'est Vir.ginia. extended the invitation. \Va3ter Huxman, ])e]nocra(ic g<>v< , i , uor-e]ect who took o(Ficc MojHla,v this week, sijececdihg (jiovernor Landori, ])ians to attend the presi-, dent's inauguration." | Five hundred' Honolulu ehildren j are reported as bein<r the vicf ims [ of an ej)ideniic of nieasles, \vithj : 19 deaths rej>orted since L)eceinber! 1. - - |