Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 37, 13 January 1937 — NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT LEASE [ARTICLE]

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, Pl liLie NOTICE is iiereby given that at 10 o'ck»ck A. M. Pi"iday, February 1», IM7. at llie Aupuni *Street side door ent ranee to tiie Territoriai OiTioe HuiUllnK. Wailuku, Maui, tlievo will be sold at puhlK' aueiion to tlie hiyiiet»t hidder, under tlie provisions ol' Soetion 73 ol' the llawaiiau Organio Aol and ol' the Ilevised Laws of llawaii W35. relating to puhlio iands, a General Lease of tlie iollowing Goveniment lands: Portion of the iarid ol' Keokea, Kula. Maui, 011 the road to l'lupalakua, eontainin<f 1457 square feet more or loes: Term of Lease, 21 years from February 1«, isi37; Up«et. Rental, $15a*) per annum, payable annually in advanee. The lease to be sold wili be subjeot to all of t!ie torms and eondition> oontained in Government Oenon») Leases issued by the Otl'iot> of tho ( > ommissiouer of Puhlio Lands, ineludinjr tho rijfht on tho part of tho iii!'en(s and roprosentatives of the Territory ol' Hawaii, and of its ltval pt*litival subdjvisions, to enter oi oross s iid laud at any tiuie iu tho perfonnauee of tlioir duties.

The above si»le is subjeol to Uio following oondition: i The pnrehasor shall ;it tho fal! ; of 4yt\ v haminer pay tho, fiist. year'l rent\"*toßotl»er with aP. wsts ol' advertisinxl and otlur \ u'quīiovl o\ :.t\s. l'.w !;irlher iuf.';iuatiou. app'.\ al IheOilioe of the Sub-Laud Ajiont. Mr. Frank F. Caires, TerriU»rlal Ollki» l}uiklSn>;. Wailuku. Maui, 01 al Iho ()ilivo v»l the Couuui»Monoi ol l'uhllo Lands. Tonltona! OtTk> llonolulu. (">aini, whoro map .•f tho 'ainl to \>o ;oased aiul fv-:iu .. i (To\ tu-nmeut (lenoral Loaso aio vii file aml may Ih" seen. l>one at the OttUr> of Uto Ooiu missioner of Puhlio L:utds Tevritosiai i>l!kv i»uīldiu£, Houoluiu, Oahu. tiiis **lhday oi 1 Hwuilau, A. R L. M. SK <. o«inuissMi>ner ol Puhlio LauU* i*ei\ 15, 4an. 5, Feb, K l'.<n