Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 37, 13 January 1937 — Action Urged By Delegate [ARTICLE]
Action Urged By Delegate
'In resj)onse to radio aj)j)eal of W. F. I)ii]inghain, Mayor G. Fred Wrig;ht and thc board of suj>ervisors of Ilonolulu. ]ast week cabled to President lioosev<-lt urfting irnmediatc action to end eonilitions in Hawaii' resulting from the strike, Reciting the 4 'intolerable eonditions iu Hawuii" relayed to him at Washington fronl Hawaii busi_nessmen, Delegate Samuel Wil!er Kinghaf reques<e(] from Secretary
Samuel Kopei'a snnjmary actiori to reiiove the ,>ituatioh, ing the j)Ossil.»i]ity of loweniig taritfs on food stuifs and susi)en<ling coftst\vide rmvigation laws during the eiaergency. Delegate King's action follo\ved receipt of a letter from President Roosevclfc whieh regretted fche interior dej)artnient , s eftorts failed to reestaljlish \vater transportation to tho islands. In reply Delegate King called attention to thc incrcased coast of li-ving an<l also referred to the receipt of a recent eonimunieation from a Hilo exportcr saying he will bc forced to lay oil' *iOO men if the strikc continucs.