Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 37, 13 Ianuali 1937 — Largest Bridge On The Big Isles [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Largest Bridge On The Big Isles

! rrh< ' bt'i'ijgo ovor eoni strti(.'toij h) tiio t<.'i'ri t urv is boing | l)uift af Honolii. on tho Hamakua |t'oast. hv tbo .vouii£ost (•ontractor ;in tho ?siar<ls, Froitas, 31 fofHonōJniu. • | 'Hm- now |u-<.j».ct, whieh was istarto<l Jast ()otol<oi\ wi]J ],robably ho coinj»!i'to(J ( . M rl,v nox t faJJ. ]tis„n,. o f t |,o cms sin ff »f tl.o r. S ivorks ],roaii'l reprosoiit,s ono of the i»ost clijriouJt un<Jortakiiiir S now ufld(!i'way. <Jrossmg tho <loo { > gorgo cut by ,tho raj,i<l Honoiii rivor, tho new struoturo wi!J l*.' fwt in ]en . iT(h ami i iil |'eot in h<MjrJjt -Six loworinff j>iors" "und two a|>utmont!> will su|M, or t the masspan whioh wiil bo nmdc of 4m °f UU ' <>f roinforeeiiig steol an<l ;>:i, ysirds of con _ orote. f l!"' rcecnt ™in- ' " «f the Big Islauil, tho Houolii

nvor oeeanu' u raging torront uu4 svvept- aw!i,v a large part of thc talsc s.tru<.*t ur<> f roni t[le center of the projoct. lhe damagrc. estimated by Mr. lreitas to l>e ahout $8,000, has deJ«.ved the com|)!otioii of the l)ridjn» al»out oih' nionth. Two othcr bridg-os on the big ssland wore ii'contl.v compfotod by Mr. Froitas, Thoy are both at Oakala, Hamakiia, One of tht-m. a fodoral aid proJōct «210fe, t lo» ga «Ht 75 feet »igh. A now t,v|K> of oarth«juako!)n>of constraction wa- »>ed in its UOSI*JL>. 'TiH-im.tlio.lof proYontinj* danirer of co!!apso f mm o arth tromors has ĪK'oii in&ugur;itod in tms brKlgv was rocontly dovoloped »>ytho ti*rritorial hi ff hw ;l y departmont. ,s Uw „,, ue ■i m.-um, th( . \ < i as narrow sup t *.r?i, S| j pj eiVS 4 '"«> =>ixinrhosin %udth. ThH ; '■' rwk ;uui U U ks elhm-<V-t ».r thi> f»rntso \vas 5 ♦ s *'<>« .«ho HhUt;U aid '. v " n ' ,J^or mvmh »vnn »V.tas. Ii;;iIx a ,S ' Us -OUvMh. n 5s tiw ' — • • inv umlh» isUvv\v»> tuitli»ay A m ;Ui.vk* t Mumis OI rvmf»uvii» sU 'V -*:« w oaUUantl :< milo of iU4eadani >?irr;nv wm> uxd j« UtLs Tn,- 4 yu,p|fUM Whk,. K f wt 44ivi Hvl w M. 4vs|mc i UN t, m u tua Kv., ;u< vhU 4« lU^ H a Uvj»«,>V *•»»«> |tv| t|«? r, t ,.-5s ? K ha hi\I *«w«4 twre and . oi«- īa of . hi> «**k|M?tK«s uw ! Uhmh'K u .. tr | iw®ltl IH Ilotki»4Ul(| ln» ial l*'fi-lssi "o."I *tt '■»>•- >•<«««.<««.