Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 Ianuali 1937 — Russia Building New Giant Plane [ARTICLE]
Russia Building New Giant Plane
Th<> "Joseph S!aiin" plune of a ileeī of If>giar>ts, eaeh oi-wiiieh will exeeed in size the Maxun Gorky whieh crashed ih May. 1335. with a less of 48 lives, is neaniig eoniplelion in Ru?s:3. v The u p'alin. to be the \vorids lei'i- ,Mrplane, is heuvj built "aeeei'i'ii to a design eon?iderablv ;idvōncod' ki comparison with thc M ixim Gnrkv. Thous'inds r! (iei; iird pavts have j bcen eonsii i;i ied and as;;embly is well iidvance<!. No deHnite date hns been set ior its first flight. but it is c:q>ected wiihin a iew months. The huge ship will be po\vered wiih six motors set iii the wings, wlīieh nave a spreatl of 206 feet. Ihe fnseiai,*e is 32 feet }ie;h. and ■ vor:i!1 lenvth is 11»> l>et. sh«r!uh" »,iv;iU'r luan ihe C>oi'kv, īn,s',d< [ ili II ilts huH' 1 .<• ,t . . ' id.. ,dh h- |>!u\ iii !:iv:Uer eonn'M'l loi' it.s 'iU ) . Wilh <ies'i;'ii pcvicete<l. euns?niet:on oi l.i suirr slitpf: e, nnī cxpeet !'ii to v>svse:u ereai ihllliultv ft)r v.:orke!'s ol th.o (vnti.d \cn h d. 1 ln :uutc >*! Moseo\v. \vhere the .Tosepli SnUm > f d.'ii iS > e.r, ( ;u'p s nd« ♦ !rom i !ic p'.ihlio. Anoll t > lt »nh «;i i'n e 5 5 to \voslds fa;les( H'ehi'o.'.ke!'. i q >d i līp iIK īo 1 t ir !. I 1 1! 1 ,-kī . iu >\n\. \>> un- «' i w n>" i.i ! enin M.ui