Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 January 1937 — SLIDE DAMAGES BIG ISLAND ROAD [ARTICLE]

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\Wu.:cnod b.Y ]iuLH-y :i Ir:r. * •landshdc- toro off almo?i h;i!f oi i;clt lngnivpy I"-'. hcavy rjun.«-lorKi for a cihstanc(.' of about 25 feet, at a pomt. near l'n' 4 Honolii Kuleh. A tc:np':>:-ī)vy »kie ronc! • n -v::s completcd (he' same niein by counly workers ;md ii. i-; noe CKj)Oct<?d tiial permaneht repairs. will be made. duc 'lo thc fart that the new road furlher mhuid-. now undcr considcration. wili lake ilie iicavy U'allie oil. lhis scction. • Kumerou.s minor sliclcs m ro:ids w(?rc reporioci throughout- vavioas' pai'ts oi the counLy ;us thc greater poi'uon of it'. was" deiuged by the worst s.tonu in iuuny ,years..