Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 Ianuali 1937 — Over 200 Die Over New Year [ARTICLE]
Over 200 Die Over New Year
Thf Umto<l Stafcs wlv.'r"'i ii; tl'; n"iv yonr wilh njorc l'ian 2 r io - loiit d;';Hhs. accor<lmg 'o a iwUonu"jdc ,survcy. Thf c.;inc from u<x inurclcrs ami suicidos. Th? i;ug-' ii'4iirc, hc\\ "vcr. v;<;.s he'oĀ Un* lull o! la,st year. - . Threc-fourths c?f the Ueuih» '.vorc ck;c lo .'mloinohii" ac< i<y :i'*- Wi ī incKidcd e.iU'onih 1 anel i]hm».s -wii.li--20 eaelī, P('nnsy3vnni;i wuii 1 ,'j. M>.chi«iin a!id J W).scon.sin wilh V> (•.'ieli. ;md Jcrv >, -,v'(h 12 eaeh and Connccticut wit~n. 10. Nc\v Yorl: sl:atc. incluflms ihe lnrec.st city and llie larf;o,st popul«tlion ot nny <-tn( o, har* ouly six iaialitK'.s.