Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 Ianuali 1937 — LEGAL NOTICE Estate Of Mrs. Balbina Fernandes Correa NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY, BUILDING, SUGAR-CANE CROP AND IMPROVEMENTS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LEGAL NOTICE Estate Of Mrs. Balbina Fernandes Correa


WHEREAS, on th<> 4th day of January 1937, tho un(lersigned, was grantod a liccnse by thcThird Circuit Court, Third .Tudicial Cir~ cuirt, to so]] tho real ])rōport.y, building and tho sfigar-cano cro]> belonging to tho Estato of Mrs. Balbinft Fornandos Conva. docoasod:

THEREFORE, \otioo is horoby g:iven, that I'will soll at pul>lic auction nt 12 o.elook noon on Satur<lay, tho '23rd day of January 1937: at tho (\>ur( Hotiso at Kapaau, Xorth Kohala. Coun(y of Hawaii, tho following i>roportios,All of that oortain ]>ar<'. lof land situato at Knanhūhu, Xorth Kohala, County of Huwaii, oontjiining nn aroa of oi^ r ht (S> ;»rros. and whieh is moro ]);irtioularly descrilMMl in Land Patont Grant Xo. 9678;. tojjothor wi th an<l othor impnn-onionH on said land; and tho gruwinj£ sugar-oano erop on sevon .7 aoros of said lnnd. I, u I <rnod. rt'<orvo tho rijfht 1 t n.v-uudull hidv, TKRMn ()1 SALE. !o* .. of tho PuiolmM- 1 rioo t,< Ih> i«!ud a! tho fnl! of tho hHinnioi', and tho Imhnoo to 1»? ]>:iid !;|ton tho i'on firnmtion of salr hy tho Court. and tho de!ivory of tho do. d. |>ii\ forth<- dr:twing of <lood an.|„ i\>"kiiowjodirmonf. I>atod uf Kai>aa>K Xortl\ Kohala. ilnwaii. on tlii-f»th ita,v of .lanu nr,v A. I>, I'.WI. e. w. v.\\\.v rr \ Admini > *trntoi\ P-t ,«■ >f BaHui)h Fcrnaiiito*. t'on. i. doooasod*lnn. «>. i:{. *o, |u:;7