Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 January 1937 — Must Secure Labor Okeh [ARTICLE]
Must Secure Labor Okeh
Autlio.ltr.tive 4abor sources in Washinglpa ;ire reported to "have srīven out information that.Hawaii*s aspiral ions for $tatehood must stand the challfnge of labor elements in Congress bf?foro it v.quld have a possibility cf rcaliza{ion. ■i Ali in<3īcations are that labor groups will be exiremely powerful īn the next session of Congress, and that President, EooseveU"& intentions to sponror new 3abor laws tending to estahlish shorter hours and higher' wages will be a factor. The trend will affect Hawaii in that it must decide if it desires to ' participate in the new laws on a basis identica! with that of the states. Previous experic-nce under U.ie Naiional lndustrial Recovery Act indicated the difficulty of establishuntform iules for labor oii the jcontiiient and in the territory due ito different wage scaīes for w:hite siad oriontai i»bor. The Aaierican Federstwn of Labor has gone on record against statehood, and in view of labor~s powerful position in the new coji?ress. terriiorial views regardmg labor niight bc a decisive factor in ?arly reaetion to stafcehood cnabling act. The Pacific maritiine strike broushs Wasiūnsiton"s attention to 'iw island labor situatien, particu'arly to the fact serious tabor Uvubics might jtx»pardiae Uh' Is3and fo<sd supply.