Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 January 1937 — Heavy Shelling Greets New Year In Spain's War [ARTICLE]

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Heavy Shelling Greets New Year In Spain's War

Hca-,y fighting \voicomed the New Year along thc entiro Spanish front m the civil \var. jstartmu at the_ suoke of midnight and continuing ..uadily. Thc fighting btarted as rebel battcnes fired a salvo of twelve shelLs amied at Puerto Del Sol, the tradi--1 -onal gathc-ring: plaee for traditional mcrryniaking Madnlcnos, startmg general iicstiluics again. ; ■Fifty per.sons werē reported wounclcd by robel shells. However, m Madrid the celebration of "ehildjeji's week'\ continued witli custotiiary. enthusiasm.