Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 January 1937 — Tell Fate Of The Screen Stars [ARTICLE]
Tell Fate Of The Screen Stars
Is' rv il "'/ >J p;-y-I' >i'" and :'-trolr'.'cr. h >.s v..rū<- pi.h- -| hee U'C l:--to ol ;-(rccn >ai.s for j CaroU; Lom'oai-el shc,uld noi marrv | > lor.» ¥XIZ t ,ic ci.v. tal Li-.l sayā, ' j l. ee! MacM\u-ra v -iuio-ulel wiueli' his> : eai t f "i!; y F'C">ol W'lllj ' heallii K Uu'oal' I .>'■'.! .vhilc i a h.i'i W. C Fit'ld:j i.s lī(Mctcd (or (eemphie recovcrv. Mar:eoni'oik! Mai'Uia Ri(.vc. ■ | I'ihii colon!.sts (\ijc:-s .nuiilo:. .ind |4iomblc when Norvall He j predicted Carole Lombard'.s di\ orce fvotn William Powoll two week,- aftcr she marriod him, .«nd Mary PieMord\s divorce.
| U,- foi'Ctold Thelma locict's trasic id\ith cnd f'tatod tliat Noi'.iui Slicarj< .• !fl be < ī: , icf-^tr;'l;t ; n ihio.i'.;h ; ;.n !i!ic--:pcctcd.dcath 111 hcr family. iAt ihe bes>inmn'r of 193»> he forc- !(.«-: F.\d MacMurra,"S i-e.maee. j eiv\ tho Dick Pc,weil-Jc:.n B!o.icr]l 1 nuptials:
Uioo L.vjlub.uU'o IKUJI>I- - in Uie nr:;t 13 nrjat.j is w.ll eoi.ii' i'rom her \vork. -ar.ti she i.houlei not ir!f>iTy," Non'ell tv,ys. unūei" ilio ot rf.ru>s, Eloanoi- WhiUicy is de?ti:iod io ha-.o ūnie.e.l-ū aud ror.uuM ,c weurity. Ho»vcvc!', bhc imj»l be rart fij3 ei her heaith: tho eavl:v months of *37. She . shoulcl guard against a nerv<&is breakdown. W. C. Pields mev suffer n. slicht Ketbnck in the eariy pavt of , :'7. euo to over enthusiasm, but if proper care s taUen the fourth month will find him in SWter healih. Anothcr -marriage is noted for Gaiy Grant, aecQrdiii'i to Nowail, ihe latter part of 1531. This niarjiage vāl be one of romantic fullillmenl ' iuid lasting happiness." Martha Raye Wili either marry cr b'.M'onic pngaged. Norvall ptvdicts, takin«; a Uint. possibly. from runK«x>d engagements oī Mariha in 1036. B'nir crosby is xvarned. to watch his !noney, sound advice to a man ivUq jui;t started the hazardous busiof pit)ducinsr moiion piotures pni3 r, :-tvin:-'; of raee horses. 1 Bor?r on īhe easp of a dual and cfti\n;Aertble Fīs;n. Oemini. the siars Avam Gail Patrick to be cautious atv\U ehoee of a marrii>ee parir.or "37." Nowell says. "Because of her (3nality she probitbly will ;narrj- twice.**