Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 January 1937 — Prices Up Business Down [ARTICLE]
Prices Up Business Down
j Thtr st!*iko si(vmtion is vcry aj>tly sui!n:u'il "jtt in ;m <. 1 < 1 it*»ri:ll m tho HoHolulu A>]vovtiser o.f. Janu;u-y whieh 'Hio Nv s vv V-o:ir"is Ihmv, tho Mai'iliai" -i !';ko <'ontituu'S. >,\iv\ iuslo\vly »iyiuiT. Ti»is,is not tuv i<l!o st:ttv*mt'lsl l !i-vr it a thoory* lt 1S l'ilOl. «JoiU;!i<-l'k\U pi\nUlfts 11!>i mii. s!o wly. hu tsu roly <\vhanstvil ni>«( ii' str;ir.;r;! K .uion |H'ovi'ss oon-' t inva's, tho stor< i s juk! husiiiv'ss t'ii'ius w-iil lK to foKl up ui»■■<.! <*!ost> th»vii's. Xothi{iji* to sell ti<» iiiv lto i'oinaiii opeu. AVork orl n?;vri> wi'i co:ts<' for iuok of in!;>art in;ite> ini>. Mtteh hus Ihvu sai\l aUoul n' H<wsiij'.' j\>ol| sl»i»rts»£o lu'»v. It w;t> i»!'ojkh" a»i<l » i.trht tlut <'on<vtii ovt'i* oiir t't>oil snj»|tlio »jh<uiKl ; l»;»Vi' !nvn i»r!Uiifo<t o<i. Hi.iitiiUts. <*ain»i>t liw wiihout f<»oil. Husi. _ iiOss īUt-ans 1 i111**« r nothiuj. uuioss iil"<• ī> <ustaiu«v'. *loit si»»<'t« f<»-' Ye>si>:.< ;uv allt'viatiny t!to fo i t sifuatn»t». alt!»ouirh |»rioos aro iioiiiii u|», wo h.»vf foo,i ■novorthv" « t tf>>. j N'ii i'.UU t!».' fi wiU »v»niii»» iu st:ih)s M u<>. nii' t-von »n tho ";ist f\ltv!iiitv ( thr\ wili »»<>t .'!o- ( •, Imo ii«» >sualirv »«orohiU»t >» ov { v th, in.'vita»)tt\ . ■ 'h »'»or,- tho tho inr':oiv[ \\ i!i uUo >T.lor \o i;\ o;st of su» -»;.r'.uiJ j»iii *|*i •*»- a:r» i -i * >t»iT-sr s, ss MJ»"\ )?■-. *| hi»u -iU4< l> of l>:ti£>» of - ; i< ■»»> tho \,h\rv«». »hot- - ■!; *:? th-* .>■;! -5- «<>f ». . ?»iv 4 . " u i\;»< . ■«. nr« |»liu «r \, ' ... *ttx *tv 'U H«\\ UIMSt(K < ! ti" »n- U* -i »>a.|u>~ t: ' - x \ ?*'** ui4t*i\h<i - «. f 4 i tV'ir v> i . -4 j»|* • « ■' ■«•n\|. .1 \\ ll', >>< it » v .* i ! h'M* • s ;■» i" : • > vs.- \;»-| -, 5 ' , U. "*-■ 4»n x •>\ J£ % * h \ K < -■ <>t t , -V . ' ' \( f . • ■ - i " . > 3 - * * t\ -1 . ' 5 t l 5 ,.-, - * .<u •»