Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 35, 30 Kekemapa 1936 — LOTTERY TICKETS ARE CONFISCATED [ARTICLE]
Bciznro of £ivat nnnihors of lottory tickots.froni (/anada« Irolaml, Enjrlan<l and Ohina. ad<lrossod 1o rosidonts of : ilonoluhi and , Hilo, worc niade in Honolulu last week whon V. 8, Attornoy I. M. Stainl)ack, varned rosīdon ts a<rain-\ st ordering or rocoiving "s\voop-| stakos v tickots. | It was disclosod that spochl investigators of the p«)st-)tfico de-, l«irtnK'nt have heen ojK'rating': undor cover in I1oih»1u1u t'or nior« than two weoks, exantininj£ mail !>ohevod to contain lottery tickets. A consiKunK'nt of niiie books, eoiHninina* «2 tiekots eaeh on the Irish s\veepstakos to 1h- run in| February \va> taken f roni the inail in Ilonolulu. The lKH>ks wore ench>sed in an Eng!ish nmjyay.iiie, pages of ha«l l>oen| eut tlown in the centor to niake a niehe for the eoupons. , Quostione<l by the O, S. attornoy, the r<>ei'iver of the books| deiiied all of iheni, »lenying aSso that ordered ilhhii. Under those cireumstanees he will r,ot pr«tM euted, In six instanee.s re>i.lentsturned over tiekets vohmUu'ilv to postal authoritios for an inv<«s(ijja!ion. At Hilo in llie |«ist few <l:iys, Hve eonsijjmneuts of loUer,\ tieket* aro suid to have lH«eu >ei/e i 'i he\ inehnle.l tiekets for sweepstakes to run iu Oanadi>, lrelnnd and Maea<», (iuna, enrl,v in lU">7. The law in eoimeeti«»n wiih or<lenntf or ie>'ei\iny; >«ueh l"Mer\ tiekeis, Mr. Stainbaek j«oiuted <mt. i>« thnt anvone wh«» *M\novv in»rl\ tak»-s or iv»vivo*** ihem i-» iiahle (t> jtro».e« , nliou aud »f e\»n« \ ieted is lia.l).»e lo & fine ot" >1 ,"'JU ;i Ul.i \i!uum .-l uleiii e >* l t <« \« ae oi' holll. K.!l - ■il , v .. ,5 |». s iWi !**,» 11 «pp\ V «\t