Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 35, 30 December 1936 — Twelve Killed In Airplane Wreck [ARTICLE]
Twelve Killed In Airplane Wreck
[ Th<- l»o<lics of ton victims in th<cnish of u L T nitt'd Airiiiu srtii'i)huK' north of Lok Ang'elc.s wei-e out of tlic weeokeel t\vin uiolo.ml iioein# i)iune Mon•!ii.y niii'hl l»nt tht.v othcr two ho.ii* > ueit- s<j badl,v jiiicnu;tl in thc thc.v t;oul<l liot !>c inovr(l uaīil thc nc.\t <l:i.v. . All thc. l>o<iics wcrc nuuij;'lc<.l ;ilniost t«' ( vou<l. in thc
ieml'ie crji»h whieli soi.it (!u' wm&'M iu one (!ircctiun ;ukl s! h( th<: J'us«'l»go crushiug at anollu'itlic aj u i.ii- ili>tau<-«... I Jt was l)i'iit-\cil tiial l!ic ! (lro\o tho j»ianc oll' its courso. i l'ilol Ed l>loiu ealUnl l>ack to thc! air[K)rt i'or a radio heaeon t«> (Si-| i'cct t.lic nlane )»ack (o its courscj in thc storni wlu'n su<h]onl„\ thoj jl>lano was cut oll' i'rom i'iii'thcr |
coiituct, ai>inircntl,v eluo to tht' <-ru>h. lt uas (he l'irst ucchloiit i'oi' tho ah'line whieh hiul osta])lishc(| aii amaziiiir rocoi\l i'oi' oxcfatiny; Without oiisiiiiltios or ucchlonts iu its lonj)-th.v histor,v. Moanwhilo tho storni 011 tho Pueii'ie, (Jo:ist continuod unul>ut('(i, with sii(nv iiml hiiil n'poiioil eonsiurral>lo to ci-o[>s an<l l>i-o;jcrt\', whilo tho rain continu-j ro I lo\tl.v moving oa,stwanL ! ! Ih tra<;-ci!,v lmmght tho toll in ' f īiV mujoi' iiir trago»īios wit.li-"' ii tL sj>iico of'ii fortnight u]> to! 27.