Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 35, 30 December 1936 — By Authority [ARTICLE]
By Authority
'Mrs. Hoso Loialoha Lun^ \'S. Loo Sanir Lnn^ —I>ivor<*o tiik TKi;i:rr<>uv ok n.\WAir To -l ,< )<) S.\ N(i Lf*\<i. (;ni;ETIXC: You aro J iorohy ttolil'i«'<i ihal t ho lih<»rfor divoroo fikHl iu Ihe ('iutrt hv \ollr \\ifc ajrainst \"ii \• iI! i»■ !)o,uil !>y tho llonoral)!o .1. \\. t hou!j)son. Ju<l<fo ot tho Thir<t ("ii'onil (;<>urt. in his Court -Konin at K'aiiua.:Xorth Kona. County of Ilawaii. al' 1u o'olook A. M. on Saturtlay, liio .>Jt li <(ay oi' .January. l!i:n. 1 );itcd at l\ailua, \oiih Kona. llawaii, this 14th <lay .ol' Decemb<ir 1 >y tho (\mrt: — Soal TJIOS. C. WHITK ('ioik, Thir<l Cirouit- Court IhV. hi. 2.K ;«),