Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 35, 30 December 1936 — Japanese Racial Group Leads Voters [ARTICLE]

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Japanese Racial Group Leads Voters

Leadi»g th«fr «-'eaeai rivals. the Hawa\iars and part■HaWf.iians, by -'.)3*2 voters. thc Jaoanese racial group is now pt tbe top of the Jist in tabulātion ol vot>rs by nat ; vity Jt WuS reporte<] Saturd3y by County Clerk Alfred Kumalae wh« has j!Bst comp[e.ted māking tabulations of the gener'i! elee t'on dn No\\-mber Alt'noug'h 'n 19-/4 tSe .Tapane&( placed srcond to the Hawaii :l ns by being" ncsed out by lu4 veters th« 1936 t-lection showed that the Japanese have gained s increase in the riumber of vot«rs Accordingto nationaiities, the Japanese have s,o(vntfrs. the Hawaiians and part Hawfii;ans, 4 #71, P©rt9g-ese, 2 631 Kaol*group, l.oH'i: Chinese, 538: Puert® Ric-jns 33^: F)!ipino 48 Eogltsti, 36: Koreans. 42' and ©thers. 448. />ccording to sexes, there ore 8,218 male votērs as cDmpHr«d with 6.115 lemale voters. A total ōf 12 ;-iuB votes were while* 2 025 failed to vote at ail, ' •— ——~x: