Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 34, 22 December 1936 — 981 Students In Religious Study [ARTICLE]
981 Students In Religious Study
In ])is 11u'inal rei)ort suliniitted rccentl.v to u corannttce meeting at t(>'' Ililo liaanlin# School, •.Ir. S !mif<• tiiat an inci-e:ise
Oi ov ;• j)UjitiS —luis. Ijjeti roalizc'l Mnce_the HilO Boarding school t >ok of the 111 ovenn"i< inlO.H — Thos<' i)fcsent at the w.vvi>: i'iie Rev. IC.-C. Yiiduo, ehaii'fmtH Borr<l; the Kev. T. M. lalniml<»;e; L. C. L,vinai); E. A. Lil!e,v; Ene<t de Silvu, •iiml
A«v- io >Ir. S«inire, ■ai>proxi]'n;ttv!.v (ji i })ci" cent of thosc eni'oHi I aiv !;.ot ■ a.ffi.lijiti'd with īi*i.y el) u wh: or school.. Elgh te<;ii Ijrote>t;int chnrehus aro rei>r«sented in ;!ie e jrolli)ient The Maili Ohureh has the hirgest represenhition \vith a'totul of 8i eni'olleil. The Ililo Jupauese ohureh is next wih ōO.
Thore aro J4 porsons ongagod in the 43 classfcs, of whom nine to:irh .13 eaeh week. Thc program cost $1,075 in 1936 bosides tho direetors salary and the car allowanee whieh are proyidod bv tho Hilo lioaivlingschool. i A tohd of $'292 was obtainod [ from tho comniunity b.v means cf subscription,. the remainder was also frrnishs.'d by the llilo Boarding senool. l'ho-e who toach classos aro: Mrs. A. O. Oo*ta, the Kov. H. H. Corroy. Miss Luey F. Goff, Mrs. E. K. Hart!ey, thc Rev. «Paul Osutvn, Mrs.raul ()snni', *the Rov. iP. E. Rae« 4 lis. Mrs. I>. Ranios jMts. R. M. S(iuipo, Mrs. Rcx ! Wills, the Rev. E. G. Yadao, tho I Rov. Masao Yatnada and R. M. j Squire.