Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 34, 22 December 1936 — Prospect Of Ending Strike [ARTICLE]
Prospect Of Ending Strike
Tho first ik v finito (>re;\k in tho nmritimo striko oamo Suiul:i.v nlght whou shiiK»wuers ;uul representatives oi' the Sailors' Uuion of tho P;icific announee<i ;i toututive agroenient In'on r< i at*lut a nieeting in!sun Fr:\i\oiseo: Harry si'oivtuo uf the SUP, who 'h;ul l»e<'n eoui'kleul an Bgiv« k inent wouh! Iki nuule smilinglv nnnouneoel t!ur settlemont nt tho eivl ot n t\vo-lu>ur moet»n£. hut <!ul not rovo:>l (!otni!> jienvting HuhmiHsion to thio. Sl'P striko ootnmitto<\ He sai>l the s\jsrooment eovere'! lK)th tho uml nii-iih of enforejn<j out\tr?urts. Tlio paet must i»o ain>roveil h\ S*UP e\eeutiv«'s, theis h\ tho in*'inhers of Union. Si\ »-ouuiou> i-oaoh !»eto»v >hip> ouiu inow.