Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 34, 22 December 1936 — By Authority [ARTICLE]
By Authority
Mrs. Hose Leialoha Lune: VS. Loo Luntr-—l)i\orcc ! TIIK TKIiIiIT()RV OK 11A WA II li'.i i.o(isanc I (i laLLTIN"U; You are hereby j Tiotifiod that the lihel for divorec filed |u! Ihc ( <mi f bv your wilo ayainst ! you will he heanl hy the IIonoral)Ie | .1. W. Tlioinpson, .1 mlee of the Third ■, CiiTTiit Court, in his Court" Llooni at Kaihia. Nor; h Koua, County of Ilajv\aii, a1 lOo'eloek A. M.-on Saturday, Mie ">Olll day of January, I!KJ7. Dated at Kailua, Xortli Kona, i Ilawaii, Ihb 14th day of Deceml)cr m;. Hy the Court:— | Seaf, TIIOS. C. WIIITE I Clerk, Third Cireuit Court Deo. 23. 30, 1936