Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 34, 22 December 1936 — NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT LEASE [ARTICLE]
~H'BLIC N'( >Ti('K is lK'rebv jjiv< 4 n th;it at 10 o'eloi'k A. M. Friday. Fcbruary li). l!i: > »7. at the Aupuni Sticci side door enl nuiee 1o thc Torri\o.i'i;\l OU'k-e Wailuku, Maui. thei;e will be soki at puhlie aut'tk»n ,t<' 'he hijrhost. bi(!fler. uiuler the provisions ot' Keel ion 7,'? ol' the l.iawaiian OrKaui<Act aml ol' thc Uev iscd La«s*oJ H.i waii 3rclat in<r to puhlio i lan(ls, a General L('asc ol' tlie followiti'.r -Oovernment lamls: , I'onioli »fi the iuikl of Kenkea. '" " Kula. Mani/on 1! ■■ :n! 1<: p;i !a ki: a. ai iai i: in- N."»7 s.;i!are l'eel iiiini' o'r l<»cs: 'l'enn ol' l.c;isc. 21 yea is.i i om Kchi uaiy i'-t. i T r psct per: annmiK p;<>al>k' annual !y in ;uiv;mce. ject. lo aii ol tnc icrnis anel e.omui ions contained in Cioveniment eenenil Lcas('s issucd by thc Oll'ieo of 1!u ('ommissioner of Puhlie Lain(ls. inciudin^ r Ihe on Ihe. part of llie agents and representatives of t!ic Territory of Ilawaii. ami of ils local polilieal sul"idivistons. 1o entcr or cross said laiul nt: any time in ihe performance of t heir dutiefe. The abovc sale is sūbjeet to the follo.\ving eomlilion:
Tlji' pnrrhusi'r sliall ;i1 Ihr f;iH! 1 lio immnior puy ihe first yenr's rent, \\Uh al! <*osts o£ udven uiul otherJ ch;trgcs rcqulrecl by Ih\v. ] l'nr I'urlīi( , r snfonualioīk :ipply all Ihc o{Ti«'i' of tho 'P\ib-Laiul Ajīc»il,! Mr. KnmK J'V Cuttcis, . TerritorJa! (Mīk'O Walluku, or Hl tlic Oiīloe of llm of j ipuhlie l/iTKiM. TorfHorl;tl o|n<'W | Hmlilin;.;, Ilonolnlu. O.iliii, when.! lu;ip ot tii(! iuiul t,a pe least'd urut /omLi'l ( >m\• ■ i!isllcnl <;<• iu 1 rn I i-(';isc ;irc on ii le ;i nd iii;iy 1«; sccn. I)ontv iit ttie Oiīiee of the Oomtnissiorn'r »f Puhlie L;ui(fs, TL'i ritorial (Hlieo lUiillonniulu, Oahu. thk 9thflii> of I»eeemlHr, A. I>. L. 51. WJUTKIIOI.SI<: CommisKmer of l'uhlie Land» Hoe. K», 1!>20 Jan. 5, 2(i, I*\>b. ](!, 11137