Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 34, 22 December 1936 — Expert Here To Check Raido Noise [ARTICLE]
Expert Here To Check Raido Noise
James 0. Alvorson, ruclio iuvpstigatr>r for tho cit,y aiul oouuty of Honolulu, who arrivoil Satur<iay for a t\vo \vooks* visit ou the Big: Islavul, vrill si>ena some time lookinsj into tho matter of looal intorforence jproblems t hc said upon his arrival here. ,k I \vant to mako a coniplote stiul.v of loeal problems so that whon tKe legiskturo nieets tiie ra<lio eommission ean present a I rrport covorinff the \vork iu all |parts of tho temtory wlaeh is ! boincr ilone to' eliniiiiaie noi>ie>. Aftor over the. ffrountl heie aiul reiK)rtinj{ to the eon\uiission \vo will be in a better lH>sition to plan futmv ; aeli viti.es aiui impi\no{uent of tlie h* sjii«l, j )\\ ver.v iioovl. >haiKI far as raiiio uoises when you t«o;tsKi<T t';h- iinnte<i |"un4> we havo ha<l uj> to now. Otis lliiK loeal has th>ne a jjvKk! iv>h on this iskiuU" he Mr. Ah ej-son saU that nouj velopnu tU> hi emU}Uuent Jn:»«lo lor the kK- s »i ai.U motv futvb W v>i>or»te wili l>o avaiiahie. Mr. to Mr. \\Vū oii a triji at\»uu,4 tlu i>lan«i t o i hvek tho cnniiv hH)kin}X inlo the j>rv>!)kjas in vaeh t»i>tru t.