Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 34, 22 Kekemapa 1936 — Roosevelt Birthday Ball, January 30th [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Roosevelt Birthday Ball, January 30th

Th<> t'<Mirlii :i!iiru:ii l>irthd;i,v honorinff lVe.suU:iit Roo>cvolt] will bc he]<l on Janu:ir.v.Bo uli over! *ne nulion :uid *'Veri in the l>i itīsh i^an+1 —ot —iiermttt4rt; —Tirc Tl7iv>ident will be ">5 years okl ou tlmt' iiute j ī)uring t)ie pust threi i ,year.s the amniiil )){\ll hus gro\yji in \vitli iin jumiber ofj <};inces beilig heh! ih tlie JS ■ of thc union, as. well as I)awiui] ai>d Pv)rto Kieo. I — t4ie ilivislf»n "of, procee<ls'will be fullo\ve.l, 7<» {»er eeni being rehtiued b,y the lot'al commuiiil.v. for its ..owii die hosi>itaK or fōr tii<■ treatuu nt of loeal paral,yftis vietiais aml :j<i por cent; is to b.e himeel over to j the Xationa'l Committee for uelivery to the presi<lont, iu be preSented by to the (jeorj>ia \Varm Si)rings Foundation, whieh uiuier his leaJership is eonstantly in : creasing the scope ol' its fiijlit agfainst this dr.ia<l #. Roy Estes, n\anager of, the Ilawaii branch of Htan«lard Oil, will again be general manaeei- of the | ball in Hilo this eominsr year» a-< well as those to be heM iu other| parts of tne Big- l>lan<l. '