Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 33, 16 Kekemapa 1936 — English Lord Says No War Yet [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Lord Says No War Yet

of the Spanish relK'ls by Ttaly and Gennany will not create a Euiopean crisis in the opinion of Loiu Bta\fi'oiook, publifjher uf Ihe' Loiuion I >aily Exp*ess, tlie \voild's largest new^papei'. Over liere to try the altil udes of Araona for an asthma cure, tho i>ublisher rxpressed eonfidefH'ethal there \vould Ik? ti<i v;ar in EviroiX' for years to conu\ ' "No uatlon \vunls \var until īt is supreinely ronfident of vietorj aiul none nre at this inoinenl," Lmil BeaverhnK)k deelared. Kukl.uhl, he .sūd, is trylng to thixuv <tfT a!i and udopt an tsotattonisi poltey. Tbe British people are gettinu moio ti ieiuily toward <.ienuariy and s V s , tt>wards its old a!h. Fi;uh'o. ! —