Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 33, 16 December 1936 — NEW KING GIVES BROTHER TITLE [ARTICLE]
Whiie ex-Kinj,' E<3w,u<l VIII \vas trave]ing soiuoulK'to on loieign soi! heeking lamil\ Piinee Albert. I>ukc of Yōrk. formaliY prochnme<} KinL, r \T in cererooni < . , s with tlie ii<Ult<l modein toucl) of llio nnlio. Iu hnl the Kinpiie. in historic M. Jann.s ra-l.ie-e, on Kat:ur<!;iy. King Georj, r e VI. loimalh s«st<.cl with the l'ull pow oi:-. o1 liis oiHeo. iinm«liato!y fuM ol h - s h)otli<-i'. who T!mrs<l;ty lomi.ilh ab<īit ateel lo poipolualo his fißiidship !\vith Mrs. \Va!hs \\arfi<-l<l Siinpson. Thc lii;sl olīieial ,n t by was to <'Veate a <luko<loin lor E<l\v;ir<l, tlms the Jonnor )u!ci Ihe title of the 1 )ukc ol Wm<lsnt Whon aml if he nvarries "I rs. Sitni)v,m. she will assume tho 1,:jo of 111» I)uchess ol Win<lsor. Both i)ousos ol_Parli)nent siniultaneously svvore allegi;«iee to the uew • j king. I lligh <ligniliii ios ol tlie eliuieh ; aiul''sta'te and the royal f;unily parti-' cipated in the in whieh the privy eouneil nul ificd the now king. A thiek hlankei of fog eropt up frotn thc Thames 'wliile guar<ls kopt ha<*k the orowds /rom tho ruler's! otfieials residence in London. i The proolamat'ion took due note ! of "His Kormer Majesty Ed\var<l \ 11l s irrevocable determination to renouri<'os ihe thron.e for himself and his descendants," whi<*h rosulted in the tit lo going to Ihe next in iine of inheritance. Royal heralds soandetl Ihri<'e t proelaimiug the uew king, follo\ved by reading of tlie pioelainalion that the high and riiiglity Princo Albort Frederiek Arthur George is now beeome and Ls īn his ia\vful rig]its Georsge VI by the Graoe of (ioel of Great Britian and Ireland aiul ōf the British Dotmiuons beyond the seas. Iving. I»efeiKier of the Faith, Kmperor of India.