Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 33, 16 December 1936 — NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT LEASE [ARTICLE]
PL T BLIC NOTICE is liexel>i that at 10 o L'loole A. M. Jb I ri<J.ay, Febriiarv 19, 1037, at tlie.Aupujii Street skle door entranee to tlie Temtonul Office Bulīdiiiß, Wailuku. Maui. tliere will be soid at public aueiion to Ihe hi|>hest bkkler. uuelei; tbe pxovii,ioiit. ol Sectiou 13 of tUe llawaiian Act aiul of tlic Revised La\vgof liawaii 1935. rēīating to puhlie lands. a General Lease of the follo\ving Covernment lands: i. Portion of the . laiul of Keokea. Kuia, Maui, on the ioad to Ulupalakua, eontuiiung square fcet more ov lees: Term pf Leu.se,
MUIIU J ,»¥j lr -I ..W» 21 year.s ffoni F<-hruary 19, • psot ReJ)tal, il'.oo p _v aiuium, - pāyable anīmal]y in a(iv;mcei T'l.ie. ,t(U be sold \viJl b,e «ulpjct:L to Lili yi liie lemia ai)d c;oxiditiojis .'nMl;tiiu>d }ji oove!7micn't Genera.l l,ensesv issued by 11 ie OfTice <>f tlie ■t'ornml»Kj(Jrier of Puhiie Lan<ls, in-<-liidij»K tlie rlt(Jjt on the part of the ug<;/it)s; r aiid repu!senlutive k s ul' llie Territory of ilawaii, :ind of iti> loeal ffolltic<il f>ubdivifcL >, to enter or cross S'ii<l Jand at any time in tlie perlormance of tlieir dutie.s. The above sale is subje<.*t to the k)llo\vin« (.'o!)dition: 'iiie pLij'cliaser «liali at the fall ol' llie h;unnier pay ti e first year's» nnl, together with ail c-osts of advertisin# and other (■hurge.s required by law. i-'oi- fu rtlier information, apply at tlie plīiee of the Sub-Land Agent. Mr. Krank F. Caires, Territorial Offiee Building, Wailuku, Maui, 0 r at the Offiee of the Oommissioner of Public Lands, Territorial Oiīiee HuikliuK- iionolulu, Qahu, \vhere jnap iof thu land to oe leaaed and form of Government General Lease are on tile iiiul inay be seen. 1 'one at the Oll'iee of the Commissioner of Puhlie Lands, Territoriai Olīiee Uuilding, Ilonohilu, Oahu, this 9thdav of -ī>ecemb;?r. A. I). 193(j. L. >r. WHITEIIODSE Commisiioner oi'Publie Lands 1)60.15,192«) Jan. 5, 2«, Feb, l<i, 1937