Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 33, 16 Kekemapa 1936 — "Doc" Adams Pays Tribute To Ex-Monarch [ARTICLE]
"Doc" Adams Pays Tribute To Ex-Monarch
» .< >i uk' lmc!sl 1 oasfc evcr >rivoi» iU .1 i)t-u.sp<jpi-i- \\;ls ilie one wnuwi AUitins. it",ituiv \vrit.or ol 1 li- I rO, H».rl!ii ,\<i u'i'i isL'r, 111 last, Fniu» > oi Umt ■ nevvspaper. to lonner kino EiwaiU VIII ot" llreat ''i'ilam. \Ujii.M i,s reprinted belo\v: 1 sti>'xl o;i the t*«rbstone loday an I Ihmhl,, ( uid li\ed llirougiK un opii.d ( ,c(i; Huil w iil riu«, r (lown tin- of hisUtry l<jnjf altei 1 .iri(l uii ,■ r is reailiiig tliia ai'e £on<>T 1 ]K-;trd a nian 1 oss asidc the cares t iie -Nla-iKiin» and Uie po\ver tliat miL' u:;h i:i!n>'ntim| tfreal-iieas. I ston;i on !jit' i'i.i;hst<jne aiul iiLaid a rna(( dist hiim a fi;.nasty. He laikeii l.ii lō niinutes ;md said oiie flnity iha i uiii rii down jn tlie p .yos ol i,isior\ lor so as history is a ma'ii- r, recwul, and tliat \vas Utis. haw i-enouiKHHl all this ibr lhe womau 1 liivo. 5 It seerns u> me that I>avid Wnuliori erst a iiiie King Emperor of the i>!iiish iv:ui,iirc. was never greafcer, uevt'_c s>i iiuK-h i'ne Kinjj and timperor ;is when Jie said tliose few simple Words. Uis,gn:at,ness may not be rea]ized by ihe people ia Great Britain, but the tx v opie of G reat Britain wiio are tlireel ly iuterested in tlie affairs of [ tUeirr»ler have not seeu a group of people in front oi' the radio store at i the eornorof Ijethel and Hotel streets i listenitt}f avi<lly to the \vords of a man who, many tTiousand.s of miles away, \yas . jhe greatest honor that ean lje eonferred "upon a huinan iu this w orkl toLlay fot this k oponly and !ionestly admmittfd love Ifor an Jndividual. 1 stoL>d on the eu rhst«ne. Oa one |Sideoi me was a Oa ttie <,)ther siile \vas a niun whose origin eome* rw«u ihe Cl\erokee Ind?an. In front <if mt» and hehiiul of mē vvcre Amei iean eitizeus of mixed races. Ai! were inteivstcd in ihe n\t)ier siutplc pomanee of a weary man and the woman he cares about. Sinee iiiue began, such been t,hc ease, And si«u i e Ume bejran, persons !iave l>cen st:eknig t!ieir noses in olher p*\>pTe's bnsi?iess. The unforiunate pcntaly of grealiw*ss is that every busyb.td\,, not eon!vnt wilh yossipnt£ over the l»ck fetKV aU)ut the Joneses' nenclunt tor living lx v \\iUvl thcir nicatjs, must inv«rlably Uvk to\v;ml a social stratum forsometluns to lalk alwul. UuX l. as l st<vni on the curlteteaie a j>nntp oi pev»ple iu no way ovv »Uc«ianw to tlic tirii j*u C iviwn % Jioard l>avid iu oup|H.xi„ prepub!ic sehool Kiufdsh. unnoune* that he had fiiī-sakcn all that vras |mvUHis to him s»n<! to hb rorebears Im Uh* s;ike ol "the wo uaii 1 loNe. 1 * No ii«er trilmt-e h.is c\er beea to atu uoman tu aH tUc hisU«s worH! aml l>s\id XVin*lsor, when he a HttJe tsler askōi tlse aīkl.ls ||JJS t>r*4hcr, who is ssikt :Uut£ UtN»visiUi Uie tears lo v.\ c\cv, a?Ki ī ,;«n an \ ;u ;u-a,u» nol ja Hritisitt-r. 110 sakl, ;cūU I ami save the Kū^" is 4*l «uQc*tc sax a£MaUi I a«W īs ttuit 1 luvo ■■■■■< - nv :<il ;oi| > v -'