Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 33, 16 Kekemapa 1936 — "All Or Nothing" Says Contentant In "Stork Derby" [ARTICLE]
"All Or Nothing" Says Contentant In "Stork Derby"
Tlie riunous Tornnln "stork dorIn''" in all iieohalūlily wii! in tlu> eourts of Cunad;u a(vordin|j: lo hUost f?ports. Mvs. Lilly KVnny, onc ot" ttie leadin»' niothors in tlio strani>o cont€st. ola"nns to l>o llu 1 \vinner an,d »ays sIh i \vants all the prizc inoncy or nolhin^. Here's whai slio saysi in a \ew! Y"<»rk daily newspapt j r; "Hu I | ani the winnor ol' iho Stork lK'rby,"l and I liave to}d nvy lawyei' to til | the. ease to the hUrhest oourt j iu the empiie. J Beea\ise two of my 11 oh v ilhlp| {•hildreujweren't rejristeivd when they| shv»ild luive been, everyone is say-' injf lam tied in firsr phn-e wiih fiv*- j othermothers. I have avrain-j >1 tlH i se other wonien. Mrs. (ir;ue; Hagnato. the moiher 1 li;ul a row' \vitli. k i"i! •of thr r:i;'e ffow. ::n. ! l' liave no kinanei \Min|llie otihet>. j liul Charlie MiUur mado a wili aml that's w!iat owyht to kltvii!e fhe' raee. 1 luul H children in 1" ye;ns. and I ou>;ht l'o y;oi theJmoney. I 1 woift share it \\ ith tho ,ot hers. 1 } wv>n't takr oiie->i>vih o!' tim n-'O ■•.•, . even iF tt's otTored to nte, ! •'Winne: tuke ail" is what 1 s;\;,. Wliat t!:r' jml>ros say p»es. und t!iey're ni; to nnnie mo the winner. I Thoro an>tt lot of tlūnev 'Mid uhout t li(s bat»y r:u>e tiha< nn'o' nie niad, Kveryoiie is sj\inu th' V( | Wns a oontest on amot»u a lot of' 'i\M-omo u|o{her> to >ve it tlhe\ eould have eiK>u«li <*h(ldroh toi\\in the] unmoA. Tiui's nui rttfht. i 'i'lie l»irlli lale in Tk>i*onio i..r i tho p;tst ton \oar-> wiho n t>i>» hi>t>>ry <}f !lit> i'i'i, 1 1' vormnent dt»-iVn t l'Oiieve th.n. . ? iliom !o<ik a! !heir own ! -. {!'-
l'k'M' t !n'l«* H»»\"T w .»■-a \\,, \ | T >t*<>m'" Mi.ait» j >*i<j ,s '. w !.,, TiuU i>U'4ii! io vh,i\\ :>. 1.-w ~> \ . t v ' kuwk* I *'-» w}i**īa- Uiv"> ,ttv uiioi.,;. 1 don't iK'lii'w iH Utr'(t «-.»Ntr.*U ! H'ul wa ln <»t w >!»u n 1 • f*H?l Uw MUIU' \\As. M:ilVlH*, IU lilP I ut>xl l«»« \c;its I uil' 5? M.i.i-' *r!wM't'"s <u i»<tt • !,.? | U;u <»n)\ .U iiu\>. T!io imitlHM\ ui U<>x tJi . 'u<* 4 •;• ' f»H!ith» s an»i \\ = 'Uiti s,.i\. Ii ~i i '. .? = Oi\«,',\ n-o , •»> .iii'-i' i v ' M i'L»! ,1 •> , t' , s ,»• jn. *.ti» r> t> t.- = ct » 1 , ,J > V' •' h,(.l - ~ Ali' (in'l' l!H;u lu.i' i. ~k« - an»? jsi.ik','t. .t -* ■• i ! t« 11!11 t ; !Mrvj| \f - t . .i . Hlt> tUOl)i \ U' U,, . |i!, i:, , j | il !-• -n ... M.» i «„ i h,i«-n": .»•(\ . •, 1 ,* i, i X ' 'i: it . ! i r ' ll I * 4 • **« 1 • •') " *» »*t«? ' <> k' t < Ul-» »n -;i. V I , t t li
i r e.'iii look after niy rhildre'i a!l ri<tht, ' <ind I. ean take... earc ol'the money jus{ ns wv}] ;is a !ot (>f top hat> up at the I'arliament hnildintrs. i 1 had 22 lawyers at niy plaee \\e-. k to yot me into an a^'i'ooiiit'iit to sliare Ihe money. They tol.! me if we didn't h;tvo an auieeme:it. tlie fi,yht \\\uild yo (»n for years in the eourts. I toM them t waked 10 years ;Urr,idy. and l woukl wait. anoihei' 10 years it L iiad t«\ Th;it's exaet iy the way i feel ;ibout it now. I was the only ono of tlio six leaders who uen■ toeourt to hear ! t lie Mil!ar case when it opened. lj | inleiul to j;o to every liearinir therei |is unt.il this thius is settled. No ono! c;ui keop nie away. ] My j>arents liad 21 ehildren undj niy hrotht'rs uiul sisters are -i 11 alive today. lam a Freneh-C-anadian and : 1 he!ieve in larye families. If I oan < jOo it„ 1 intend to hoai my inother's | reeortl atul haVo 22 ehildren. I eoukt j use tho Stork l>erli,\ monoy to look iailertliem. aiul that's one reiison 1 , won t. split ;he inotiey up. } 11 is over a yea r now sinee I js(aried my iiul»t to haw my two ' other ohihhen regisTered.' The hattle ,is just lH'«nHiiiiū'. I too to
. roinsler tho babios, aiul I niy (kx-toi- dkl it. AVh\ shott!d" 1 kwo just <vv-w (IMn'i :»non-l 10 ■ "My l:twyor i> ;m honesl «nan, ' ;tnd ho told tho i'i'iii l l >h HIUI Ik % ītiw,tino"> Tho ju«lyo v\ wr\ roasone I ahto alx\ut H, ! < TUov lv}) uio v >•!!•• oi tho o)hor' !■ īi«-i- t* *m'Ī uony„' in;> ahinil 1 :it> S?i ik l><*thv. WolK 1 ' s]t t p owiy n^h'. an.i 1 al\v,i> s wUI j \\ilitl>oi l al! «m- uo(hihs:, '