Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 32, 9 December 1936 — France Fears Isolation If War Comes [ARTICLE]

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France Fears Isolation If War Comes

Wliwi war to Kmope. ! F,';ince ru.iv \!and praf * K'UHy i alone--with S')\ ii 1 Hm si,i ,<■- h-1 s<>ie |aily. " .J This is Uie opnnon. prev;uent in ' riglil.ist, cLi• *i ' h ,t \ 1m: 'j <■ >n->i(l"r | thut tlie (ioveni;ii'Ht"s - p:>!k-y ol ••S'ivi(>l i/,ntio!}" anil 5* on'-l-owin «,'*■' | to .Mosco\r is k';t<linir Fr;in'. , ('.' into ;

isoiati<>ii. "Fr,ince ii as liei'..ii(iimnation ovcr po,st-vv;!r Eunipe -;irrd .soon wiil ](»se c j ven any nilim'ni-e [i!, c\heiniM i< fl elc'iiionls"(\>ritiino'llo' iin>»v.' ,~liitcrnalion'il Xcv.-s7Sorvi.eo- w;is'. iiiionnoii. Jieigiiun;\v.asJJi< > JirsOo 'detault. fro.mt.he I-'i'oiU'li .-.eiioino for ollllj< s cot)t rol ovcr Euiope aiul no\v i( is beliovcd Hkoly th:tt cvcn ttio Littic Entente-4n:rotofor(! Fr:mcc's "eastei ll ; bulwark against Gennanisiu--win j(iin -Ihe secessioi i 111 ove n) o 111. '•Communist strikes and riots, and o >n app<M'cnt]y uneheeked trcn(i towar(ts tlolshevism h:tvc fri»iitened all oui' i'ornier \var-t iino, a)lies. v seems to bu thc unaninious opinion not only amonj> ri£hlisl-s hul a!so center ;"roups in the Ciiainbcr tl;ere TH'spitc Foreign Ministcr Kamiilo Krofta's statement; that Czechoslovakia would fulfil3 all licr ol>li.y;\t ior s to Frarice. ri"ht ist clcincn{s lcd b\ Louis Marin aiui Piene Taitinger ;ire conyinced that. Belgium's "nout ralil y t \vas receivcd with inueh favor by tlie Little Kntcnte. "tf C/echoslovaskia l>reaks awuy from Franee, Emnania and Jugr>slavia wil.l ioilow," said one ot Taittingcr lieutenants. mean thc end of tlie LittJe Eiitente and I rance will be left v.lthoat any rcal allies m "Europc " ■"Several years ago r rance naa numerous •friends.' Todav shc has but one, and that one a Ju(.las--Soviet Russia." he dcclared. "Cn]c.ss France immediately denounccs tlie Franco-Soviet pact and resumes nonnal rclations with hcr allies she wiil find herseif alone in a war that is no eoiieem of hers," he warned.