Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 32, 9 Kekemapa 1936 — 500 Die Daily In Madrid [ARTICLE]
500 Die Daily In Madrid
i — | The b'ootly s?'pfo of Msdrkl by tro.-»p entered its secoud I .mpnth, S \ndjiv with three spec-[■t-.,ci{ar a'r balt'<:S b?twe<?n L«-ya-/sl i»arsu't ships aml rebe-Is bjrnI>: t'S. I The Los'aiiSt defpnders suc;.c in fie:hti-cr off the «tt&ck- \ ir>g Iv.)mbcrs ovi j r the c.ty. Loyalist headtiuarters anßouncfd it*o rebel bjmbars shtt d:>wn in the c;MXHg-emt:nt. The Ked Cr<.ss esl : mated that! an avi?r;ipfe rf SX) eiv,li.iris hs<i! |been kiiied or Wounded da ; ly mj : the p"st mcnth I | ī>espU a tho threat of t a?r and! | ertiVlery attacks, howtve«, thcu ! ;Sinds of c t«zons dare t} peomen- • Odist«'iana drive and icther b'»ultvards. The g"re»t ;Sun<lay \vatchod the a : r baU!e fro:n thy streets. ! £s'de fron tho a-r a'ttac- t Madr,d was ivhtt'\*e!y tjuiet Son day. Nu birnbs i d>vi>Kd ( and ft!'v p*voti:. ot ari 'k*ty | \V ere i n action. | The Lnyabsts d : sporsoo rcbel | fon ?« at 08rabarcn*M ar<d C mo- | t»amvnt«, »t vv»s at\ ?>ou::ce«L