Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 Kekemapa 1936 — Rebels In Final Drive On Madrid Fierce Bombardment by Air and Land Rocks Spanish City [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Rebels In Final Drive On Madrid

Fierce Bombardment by Air and Land Rocks Spanish City

Rebels yesterday launched their most violent attack since the opening of the siege against Madrid. The attack was aimed chiefly at the Rosales and Moncola -districts. Planes were sent over the Loyalists lines in almost constant stream. The road of the motors and the explosion of the bombs they dropped combined with the thunder of the artillery to form the most car-splitting barrage of the siege. The attack seemed to indicate that the long-awaited drive on the Spanish capital had begun. Meanwhile, the government was awaiting the imminent arrival of several thousand trained anti-Fascist foreign troops. It was reported that the Spanish-Morocco society had recruited a column of Moorish troops to be dispatched to Madrid to aid the government. Rebels have used Moorish soldiers with great success in their campaign.