Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 December 1936 — Argentina Welcomes Roosevelt American President Is Greeted By Thousands In So. American City [ARTICLE]
Argentina Welcomes Roosevelt
American President Is Greeted By Thousands In So. American City
President Roosevelt was ueelaimed Monday by liuiidreds of thousa?ids of persons as he arrived at Buenos Aires, Argentina, for tlie openlng of the peaoe conference of 21 natioiis, whleh Is the outgrowth of his iuitiative. The Indianapolis doeked aniid tbe cheers of a huge tiirong ashore, shrieks and \vhisties from hundreds <xf vessels in tlie liarbor and tlie river whieh 1 were thiekly dotted with beflagged craft. The Indianapolis band played the Argeiitine' anthem, then the StarSpangled Banner in whieli the Argentine navy band āshore joined. _President Roosevelt descended the gangplank on tbe arm of his soh Jaines. He was greeted by Preside«t Augustin Justo of Argentine and Secretary Cordell Hull. Ten thousand i antrymen guarded the 50 bloeks over whieh Eoosevelt traveled through the flag bedeeked city." As President Eoosevelt drove with President Justo enthusiastic speetutors broke through tlie polie-e lines in an attempt t-o reaoh the aulonuwii.e Poli«?e hit several \vitli their batons and mounted onicers with dfawn sabres'rode at"'the moli. Shouts of "Roosevelt" rose as the crowds hai!ed liim as an apostle of peaee.