Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 Kekemapa 1936 — SUPERVISORS ASK TIME EXTENSION [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A resolution askiiig for au extenūou of tisuo ou tbe Iliio . Watejworks t)ioicet \\as» druwu up rridai" la:st ai a t ueetiug of the B;ist Hawaii supervi>ors, ami lias been forwarded to the I'WA ciireelor at liouululu» TUts exUmsīon vvas asketi beeause Llie projeet has beeu heid up siiiee iuid<ile o£ Ootober on a?count of the strike siluation. Pipes Tor the ptvject \vere reeeived alK>ut tvw> weefcs ago Tit« supm{&>rs alai dre\v up a ros lu!v:i a<Vltu KOveruor atid land to aāde 3and at the ivrner of Huaialai aml Kinooie streets for Ihe wufetfuetk>u of a \varv house for ihe eounty engiiteer l is depart»\ent. '