Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 December 1936 — Plan To Improve Island Airports [ARTICLE]
Plan To Improve Island Airports
Airportss on the ii>Uun!s o iluwaii aml Alaui are tu be iuipio\i;(l hlj{>rtiy. Robert Campbell, representative ol tiie bureau of aeronautic;i, I)epurtiiienl of ConiJneree, is now slutlyiiif, r conditlt>»s with a view 10 making the proposed iraprovenrents. • ':The neeei for. a «e.w airport on Haui is iniperative, sim*e thc old Maalaea: flyins i'ieki is ." iou-it.ed near ihe foothilis of the mou:itu.inīi in an area wliei'e air condition.s ave turbulent," Campbell said. "The new s>ite we will choose will be loi ated five iniies from Maalaea in the saddle oi the is]and between t\vo inountain ranges. The building of this airport will eost less tlian the retnydeJliny ol' tlie old airport, and wiil be a sufer places for piane to . Idiid. s ' ' <Jampbeii poinUHl out . t.hat the uew iiying field will be loeated in, open eountry where raido runge bea-1 eons ean be operf\.ted in the iumre. i This- is rtot possible 011 the site of ] the present fieid. ! MeanwhUe construction 01" the S2->,OOO llilo airport additions lias| been started, folloA'in» a sur\ey made j i iew days ago. Tlie Ililo extension j LMcludes the increasing of tlie nortU jouth ninvvay to the extent of 00 j feet north-east side of "tiie triangular| ī'iekl by 3.»0 feet wide, the north field| dv 3,C00 Jeet- and 15J l'eel in wkllh, | md the runway by feet width and 2.500 feet in lengUi. Canfp\)ell poinleJ oui tliat the ?nnstructlon will not overlap willi the N"ationai Ouard aiul Arm\ piopeiii whieh adjoins the fieid, | Pians are alsō under way for the ■ lmproveinent oi the knding fiekl at, Uoolu roint, at tip o£ Uie Bij» Island. | Aithoujīh Uie WPA al!otmcuts' ror airport devvtop!nents īn Uie Tervi. U)fy aru Cauipbc-ll esplained that eaeh island, with the eseeption af Lanai» will be studied and saf ? asible fiekis will be eo:istrut:ted. ;