Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 December 1936 — TO TURN LIGHTS ON FOR CHRISTMAS [ARTICLE]

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Tlte 3rerchant"s I)ivision of tlie Hilo Chaniber lias ag;iiu nuule arJduyt.neiils wilh iho liiio Eleeliie Ligiii t,'o. JLtd. to s\rii)£ lLhts a<-ross the m iur Mie Oliristmas seas.»s. iUvoiuia£ to amiouneemoiii L>\ (Jor >loa 11. Soi-uioii. exeeutive seeretary o. thechamber. The lljfhts will be tumed 011 at tj sharp 011 t-lie of l)eeember 5. Tiie i>oaee liepai-lmeii s is beinj{ a !v..d t<j j,)io\v the at th;s time' iur the timiinn-(»n of Uk- )iyhts. uhk-h vill offū'inlly inau<;ai aie th.> Christma.s bhoppitiK s<.asou in IliLi. Tlk> tīi^ i 1ī s wiil be on eaeli cvtyiing fr(.m IK?eemtier 5 to l>eeetnber :Jl. Aeeording (o Mr. Seruton, there will be iaore iights ou this* year thau in any previous years. Red, green and while lights v.ill l>c used from" thc federal building on Waianuenue St. do.vn to Kaiiiehameha Ave. as far as Euddle Sales & Servioe (\>. The li»rhtsare beiug pai<i for by the merehants oti either side of tliese tv«\) stroct;is, Mr. Serulou aniiouiieeu. j .