Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 December 1936 — Far East Trade Hurt By Strike [ARTICLE]
Far East Trade Hurt By Strike
C'-ri|>piLnir tMTccls oi' thc «, r enera maril inve strikt: of thc Paeii'k, spread tur al'i(jid, have re.su lted ij Ameiiean trade intercsts in Chini joining.ij! Hie demand for an earlj peaee.in the slnppLu<.j settlement tc end {he trade. Joss> for Ameiiean in terest.i. Sroppage of American oeean goii4 trai!fk' i>etween the United States auii tlie Far East Avas caubing considerablc cli»l a.iKi Uie effects woulel iast a considr:i'ahle pei iod evcn after settlement oi the strike. A:nerie<ij) businessmen met in iast week f under Ihe au«picē.s oi tiie Ameriean Chamber. oi' Jonmioive, to eonsider the situ--«.lion resuiting from tiie maritime strike wlndi btarted on the Paeil'ie coast. Tiie group plauned to cable tlie Unil<.d State.s Chamber of Commy>rtre ind tiie t. T . S. ■ I.)*ipartment of Commerce eKplaining Uie distress ea\ibed in the Far East due to eontinuaiion Jf tlie strike. The p!ea »vil! be dispatched im-mediati-ly eariy termination o! 'he ti'emendoub losses rcsuitinjj from bhe sliipping tieup. Upbervers believed that even ihou«li the strike \s terminated ininediali i)-, it will be many monti.s jefore Ameiiean l>usinec=s in Shang īai reUmis to nonual. ■ .■ .■»• —:x:~——