Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 31, 2 Kekemapa 1936 — No Attempt On Life Says Wally [ARTICLE]
No Attempt On Life Says Wally
In au»wer to rpportei's who told her about Amoneun i iK!W.spajx i rs e*rr.ving storios that lu-r life had beon th reut(MH 4 (.1, Mr«. Wall.v Simpson, ICinif Ed ward'y closest pal, fktly (leuied that her lifj had ever been throatenod. Kingr Edward"s Aaierican-born friend thus reports publishetl in the United States to the effect that a ht;avy gyard ha. c b?en thrown around Mrs. Si:upson followin'g reports of a written deāth threat. Mra. Simpson sn.v» that slie intonds to go to the thcater, the opera, the night clubs and othcr f»vorite places of entertainment without at).v guard. . : "These Anieiiean reix>i't.s,'' said ,3Mre. Simj>son, are pui el.v grotesiiue flights of journalistie imagimition."