Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 November 1936 — Strikers Can Hold Out Until April [ARTICLE]
Strikers Can Hold Out Until April
Striking maritime emploves say they are prepared tu hold «ut uritil Apni in event it is neeessarv for tliem to do so in order to win their demands.
A spoke,sman for the strike strategy committee said:
"We do not like to do this any more than the shjpoīyners or tlie pubiie. but we are not going to give in. We have resources tocarry uS t,hrough until April. We may starve after that but we are not going to surrender." It was unoffieially reported that the strikers' treasury nt>w totals $200,00). It is estimated that the strike already h-dus cost the Pacific coast $no,<Xio,o6o The eosts are mou»ting by approximately $7,000,000 UiiU.