Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 November 1936 — Rebels Warn All Ships With Arms For The Loyalists [ARTICLE]
Rebels Warn All Ships With Arms For The Loyalists
i ! General Fraucisco P"ranco, Spamsh rebel comn)arider, has warned m a brpadcast tliat all transp»rt slnps , carrying arms or anunumlion lo tJie ] Loyalists will bc destroyed. 1 Franeo directed the warning at Fi-ance and Russia. Ile snid severul |Russian trahsports were m Rarcej lona. . ' ' ' j Political obscrvers in Pans foio j saw a possibl.e clash bet\\ari Trance j and the Spanish rebels tollownig any ann.ouncement that Franco mtcnds to elaim 2āo milhon dollars in gold hullion the Loyalists liave deposited in Paris. It was indicrated that in event France refuses to surrender the goid to Gen. Franco. he will seek the aid of Adolf llitler and Eenito >lussolim. It was learned the gold was exported from Spain as, -'()rdinarv freiglit" and was*unguarded for several weeKs befpre .Francos arnval on the outskirts of Madrid.