Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 November 1936 — Spanish Rebels Inside Madrid [ARTICLE]
Spanish Rebels Inside Madrid
lu'lh.'! forces arc steadil>- closing in on tho B])anish eapilal. Follo\vinjr terrific bnnd to hanel fightipn' w-ith Lo.valists dofonclor?, 10" l>ol forces carly Mon<lay occupicd si i \oral hūiWings in tho Univoisity Cit.v Noction of Madrid, thc first aeiual penctration hy any large i)o(Iy of insurgcnts into the Bpanish capital.. Tho robols accomplishod the occupation- \vith a sutldon, unex]>octod thrust after clovelopmonts had iiKlicatc(J tho avtillcry duel \vo\ild continue for somctime. llo\vover, thoy woro slill far from the city as a whole. Through denso clouds of dust, rebel infar\try went into action. l>ozens of smnll tanlvS, appearing a« coekroaches ag-ainst the baek grround of Madrid's tall building"S advanced with the artillery. Jt is uneoi'luin whether the success of Monday*s movemonts will chans:o tho eomplonon of the insurgent offensivo. Ho\vever 4 it is certain tho robols will strive at auy cOvst- to oonsulidato thoir newīy giūnod po>itions.