Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 Nowemapa 1936 — Training Course Will Be Given [ARTICLE]
Training Course Will Be Given
The first sesslon of a general tralnlng oourse for G3ii S(xnit ieaders and ariyone lnterested In girl s<'out!ng wlll be held at Girl Scout headquateis from 7 to 9 on Friday evcning. Captaina and lleutenant.s of t ro >ps are urged t-o att,end, also eounei! and committee n>eml>ors. Anyone iutorested whether or rtot s>lie eon»uH'ted with the Girl Scout orgaui/atlo!i at present is wrdially invited to take advantage of tliis fnndamental t ruin lng. The oourso ls a regular H> liour one, and wlll run for ei£ht \\«vkv. meetlng onft> a week, A le:\der m\»st attend at lea«t sl\ of tho elght oieetln£S in order tn Iw j»lvon natiotuil credit for Uve ooumi.