Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 November 1936 — C. E. Convention In Hilo Dec. 5-6 [ARTICLE]
C. E. Convention In Hilo Dec. 5-6
The sixth annual Christian Endeavor union eonv<>nt ion will be Saturday a-)d Sut;day, F b 5 and 6, wlth headquārters at Ilahi Church where delegat-es will register at 2:00 Saturday afternoon. j The convention program will een-1 ter around a Chnstian theme, Peaee on Earth, Good Will Among Men.; This will by a diseussibn j period held S iturday afternoon from j 2:30 to 3:30 Five groups wil] meet simultaneously with tbe following dis- j cussion leaders: Miss Louise Kelley,. Miss Rogers, Harold C. Smith. llarold V. Lucas ;md Rev. Paul Osumi. Group Chairman: Ichiro Xakashima, Jaok Whyte, Yun Sooug Chock, Ēlaine Num and Sik Kwong Tsui. I
The following sub topics will be dlseussed in the various groups: Does the Bible sanetion war? Boes the Christian Church sanctlon Does edueation bring about world peaee? Have the majority of the great characters of history stood for peaee? Does War Cost More Than It Is Worth-?
The theme song of the song eontest whieh begins "Xo Longer, Lord. Thy Son Shs3l Sow. Hatred aud death Where Poppies Blow" will also carry out the eentral thought of the t'onvention This song is T<To. 132 in the Kew Hymīial for Ghristian youth. The song contest will be held Saturday evening at 6:i5 at Haili Church. Jerry Matshushita of Waiatea Social Settlement wil| be chairman. The contest will bg featured by an original song compOsed by eaeh society and the them£ song sung by all. The peaee theme will be further carried out in a dramatic worship service to held at tlie First Foreign Church Sunday evening, at 7:30 as a closing feature of the convention. Other highlights will be tlie ban" quet held ,at Haili Hall,' Saturday afternoon with.David Nohoikain anei Slk Kwong Tsui in cliarge of arrangements; a period of social games eonducted by Mlss Elizabeth Eeaeli at the new YWCA Activities' building moving pictures of Dr. Polln^ visit to Haw&ii taken and projected by Harold d, Smith a"d a toreh ligh parade conducted by Etsuwo llignchi' Saturday evening. All those interested in the eonvention are welcomed to any sessions. Registr»tions will be 15 eents and the banquet 35 cents.