Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 Nowemapa 1936 — Rebels Are Driven To old Lines Madrid Defenders Hold City Against Two Terrific Attacks. [ARTICLE]
Rebels Are Driven To old Lines
Madrid Defenders Hold City Against Two Terrific Attacks.
Fight/uig j- r ritnly behind a fierce artillcry UoiiihaKlmenl, loyalibt yesti i<!av n:ptijsi>d ior liie si;cuiid lime wiUiin 21 hours a rebel attack on their left and right Hank positions. At 8 p. m. n denfening cannonade was in progress m ihe now sp]intered and devast.att!(l (,nsi de Canipo and Canipo de tlistricts. Maehine Ktni and īille fire provided a spittiim, cracking a e .mpariment tothabocminyr of the "large. »uns. Prom the Piieria del Sol eanne a tre!nenoilous explosion as sheUs poured into that rtvic:i. At 11 p. m. ihe exehantre of firo su<Monl> dii«inished. Loyalist artillery at .the same time.maititaUwjd.an almost uninterrupted rain ,oi shells on rebel lines outside the city and in the suburbs. Civilians songht refuge throughout tlie eapilai as clear night brought new iears of Rightisti bombardments. Ai du.sk more than automobiles earrving women and c,hildren dashed out of the city, and lat£r toni<īht >ome 4 1 ) busses were scheduied to leave. lleavy l'iring was reopened earlv in Uie iuoruinji aiter several hours ol j:elative quiet. Kightist planas zoomad over the heart oi' ilie city dropping S4*ores of bom\)s. Several huMUtgs īn the,Castell«ws district were act afire by incendiary tK.>mbs. OneWnh destroyed two trucks, lalied, a iuilitia man } st;i!hiing in the ooartyurd oi the war imim*trv aml injiired three work j men. \ Rescue workers eonlinueu to dig ; their way intv a block of fluts and a i printing plant whieli were bombed . several. sUys ugo. Seventy-sāx dead : luui l>een removetl 100 persuus were j found aiive and 10 \vei~e reiv>rteil still I trapjx\l in. I :x:—