Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 November 1936 — TELEVISION IS GETTING NEARER [ARTICLE]
Tclovisiou , s latest previcw ] mHrks now a.lvahcc in tho ihfant| scionco, sh.vs an editonal in thc Now York Journal, l>ut ol»soi\vors . i\UH)rt that it is not, roady yct for th<i puUie, ! It sccms that thc ima£es fUsho<] on thc jflass screciiS thrt>ugh to!o-| visotl motho.ls »rc sti!l mam\l j considcrnblc flickorin£, t<>«» litt!o j Jistinotion of lino, Thsso imporfcctions arv uot yct troncJ out,; altho«sfh in thc ncar fnturo thoy! will I*>. j | Tho ini(y>rtant thing aKmt to)c<; vision is tho carc with whieh )t % s|viin!!oi-s HIV ]iroiwtlinjjr Tho puhlii- mnst thoir !esm v to turn out notl>ltV4i Wt a' fmt*hv4 one whioh wi!! «n%htvn, an>l mstrnct thv S aml givc sati>faotion 'nll who invost in it. | To!»*vMon i- vnc Kv-»v ,to laankiiml whioh w il! iu»t W soM | U worth s*»Uit\g aiul f<u iliial its \a>t, 4*otuiti»l jgi7os hc«rtfcU th«nks.