Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 Nowemapa 1936 — HOKU OFFICE TO MOVE NEXT WEEK [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tho offico and ]>l;mt of Ka Hoku O H-awaii, whieh h;is heon occupying a pavt oi' thc buiklirg on the Haili church groun'ls formoFly occupitxl by tho Dosha families, will iuov r c iu'xt wook to 1 the Tribune HemKl building whcro arrangenionts havo been niado to occupy a portkm of tho roar of t that bttlldmg. | The movc has hoon mfi(.lo noces ; sai'v 011 account oi' tho spaoo now ( oeeupieil by the Hoku plant t nee ded to house the_ j>āstor . iof Haili church, the Rev. Edward iKahalo, who wili arriyo from ( iioi\<£lu!u, with hisi family t some- 1 timc hoxt woek," ( The now loealion will be mueh , Uioi'e convoniout £or tliis uows- ! paj>er as the prosswork has al\vays b«jcn done at tlv> Tribune Hpra[d' piant. This will climinate tho; necessity for transporting tho; t.vpe forms frotn one pknt to tho othor oaoh wook. •