Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 29, 18 November 1936 — Hawaii Hardest Hit In Strike [ARTICLE]

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Hawaii Hardest Hit In Strike

i (';i nV. W'. .ī. !' ' • •- •!:. W;!s!iHijf I ton u 4 pri'sental iv<i uf thc Pun-Ame- | rieun Steamship asst.ieintion, stated ! ''V<iii!<l sul:'i r mo!c il.an any ii< i r hocality Jrom the ma'.'iliine stl iko. . Pcter.son rciteralcd pic\ious st;itc ments lbat t,heve \vas st ron« po.ssibl-. iit i>oi'a lo (i slii)rw.M'iii ili - llinwiiian . Isian(is. ll': sai*l t.hc ■strikc Ii;h1 rc:u-Ji.cc! [thc ■•sho\v<lo\vn sta<ro wliei'e ;uivtliint' i C«lll Ii«I|JpCJJ." : Pctcison saUl he <U<l not h(;)icve a sett]eincntr ol" 1 lie strike iniminenl. anel t hal if it. \vcre not , t]ic rapkliy diminis!iin<r snpply of f<jodslnfTs in 11K» is!ands miyht he cxliHiist(Hi. 110 rcfcrred principal3y to n<)n-p.ciisliatjl<' prodiK-ts. lle asscrtcd eonditions . heeome acute \vitliin a fe\v \vccks uniess pr(Klucts \vcrc «hippeel via foreign vessels. . . ■ .■ ■■. i I J etcrson dennun<vd leaders.-of tlus str-ike Jor •'uniawi'ui and aelion rcsultin<r in tlic possil»iiity ii not prubal;i3ity that tiiousahds of innoccnt people \vould. hc .foircd to suffer."